Horsetail (Equisetum arvense), dried leaves 50-500g, 1kg

Equisetum arvense, dried leaves and stems of our cultivation. The plant is grown in a 100% natural way, on our land in Fermo (Italy), in the open countryside. Leaves and stems of Equisetum are harvested by hand and dried at low temperatures, so as to maintain the organoleptic properties of the plant.
- Produced by our Company!
- Ingredients: Equisetum arvense, stems and dried leaves
- Pack of 50g, 500g, 1kg
Equisetum is a perennial herbaceous plant, with a creeping black rhizome. There are many varieties of Equisetum, we grow Equisetum arvense , which is also the most common and used. The cultivation is done directly on our land, in the countryside of Fermo (Italy). The cultivation is strictly natural, without the use of pesticides, herbicides or chemical fertilizers. We are in fact totally against the use of these substances, as we have the utmost respect for nature and for those who use our products.
The aerial part of the plant (leaves and stems) is harvested strictly by hand, during the balsamic period of the plant, between June and July.
Drying is always done at low temperatures, in shady and airy places, or using special tunnels with controlled temperature and ventilation. The plant is then coarsely chopped and packaged.
Keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool, dry place.
Product for technical use.

Ottimo prodotto. Lo avevo acquistato in altro negozio ma quando mi è stato consegnato ho appurato che l'origine era CINA. Non ho avuto il coraggio di consumarlo. Probabilmente lo butterò nella compostiera.
Invece lo acquisterò sempre in questo negozio che produce i prodotti che vende. Non ha senso risparmiare per acquistare prodotti che invece di aiutarci a stare in salute ci potrebbero creare problemi.