Aloe Vera Cosmetics Body Scrub with Aloe Vera 200 ml SCRUB_CORPO (8) €19.00 Natural exfoliating face scrub with Aloe Vera, with almond and hazelnut shell microgranules. The gentle but effective exfoliating effect of this scrub promotes the elimination of dead cells and the regeneration of new skin tissues, making the skin of the face homogeneous, soft and radiant. Useful for : remove dead cells; leaves the skin... Add to cart View
-10% Pack ON SALE Leg Wellness Package PAK_GAMBE €59.22 €65.80 This package contains: 1x Slim Vita food supplement in capsules, 1x Slimming-Firming Cream with AloeVera, caffeine, helichrysum and carnitine 200ml, 1x Circulation and Cellulite Herbal Tea 60g. Add to cart View
Oleolites, essential oils and perfumes Rosemary oil 50-250 ml - Infused Oil Extract OLEOLITO_ROSMARINO (30) €14.80 Rosemary oil, produced by macerating rosemary leaves in sunflower oil. Useful for : Poor blood circulation; Tired legs Varicose veins; Acne and pimples; Dry and brittle hair Alopecia and hair loss. Other useful informatio:: Pack of 50 ml and 250 ml; Produced and grown by our company! Ingredients: Sunflower oil, rosemary (Salvia... Choose Format
Aloe Vera Cosmetics Slimming Firming Cream with Aloe Vera, caffeine, helichrysum and carnitine 200 ml COSM_SNELLENTE (10) €29.00 Our Slimming Firming cream with aloe vera, caffeine, carnicine, and helichrysum italicum is a 100% natural product that helps firm and tone the skin. To be applied to the whole body, especially legs and buttocks, it promotes circulation and the elimination of cellulite. Useful for: firming and toning action on the buttocks and body; prevents... Add to cart View
Essential oils Sweet Orange Essential Oil, 10ml OIL_ESS_ARANCIO_DOLCE (16) €12.20 Sweet orange essential oil, 100% pure and natural, produced by cold pressing of the peel of the fruit. Also for food use. Useful for: Cellulite and water retention; Anxiety, stress and insomnia; Depression and bad mood; Wrinkles, anti-aging action; Bad blood circulation; Digestive; Constipation. Other useful information: Pack of 10ml... Add to cart View